
AEF Family and Youth Services Inc.

Through Family and Youth Services we seek to cater for the holistic needs of Aboriginal people of Australia

Matthew 25:35-36 for I was hungry and you gave Me food… thirsty and you gave Me drink… a stranger and you took Me in… naked and you clothed Me… sick and you visited Me… in prison and you came to Me.’

AEF Family and Youth Services Inc.

The AEF Family and Youth Services was established as a not for profit charitable Incorporation in 1994. Through this organisation we seek to cater for the holistic needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Australia experiencing hardship, grief and loss.

The Incorporation has some exciting programs which support individuals and families to address their issues. We also auspice programs that are designed to achieve these same goals.

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We would love to keep you updated with news and activities of the AEF and the AEF Family and youth services so if you would like to hear more please subscribe to our mailing list.